Article summaries

A collection of articles on Buddhism and Budddhist practice from senior members of the Western Buddhist Order (WBO).

Walking Into the Forest


Vessantara was ordained on 21 August 1974. On 20 October 2001 he conducted his first Private Ordinations at Guhyaloka, the FWBO retreat centre in southern Spain. He reflects on the experience and significance of his own ordination and the journey towards becoming a private preceptor.

Looking to the Further Shore


The Gift of the Dharma surpasses all gifts. Moksananda pioneered situations in Spain and subsequently extended his interests to cover Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries around the world. He inspires other members of the FWBO to consider spreading the Dharma beyond the UK, where the bulk of WBO members are based.

Take a Good Order Member — And He’ll Do an interview with Mahamati

An interview with Mahamati

Having the Last Word


An enquiry into ‘authority’ in the Order

Sangharakshita Diary

Bhante's activities between July and October 2001.

Please note that many articles on this site were a product of their times. The FWBO is very much a growing and developing tradition; some of the institutions, offices and practices referred to will have matured, changed or been abandoned subsequent to publication.